
Yapfest #2 (art edition)

I'mma make this a "shrine," as the people say

So to start, my darling shu kun is suuuuper cooooool and he has done no wrong. mikacchi also has done nothing wrong because he is also my darling and yaaa :D

The most important thing about shumika's relationship is that even though people compare them to galatea/pygmalion and like those posts about robots and the maker or like dolls and the dollmaker, mika isn't some doll or statue or robot that shu created; he's his actual person no matter how much he tries to be the perfect doll that he thinks nito was after the war and the both of them know that but even still, before shu starts to stop telling him to be his marionette, he still knows that but still compares them to those kinds of stories as though the both of them are trying to convince each other

There's no way to dissect their characters without each other since that's basically what they've made their lives about, so that's kinda why i put that stuff first. anyways moving on to shu

I prolly need to read more stories especially in the original text but i think what shu has is that hes afraid of having too much of himself tainting others (why)

gonna do beauty and the beast as the first piece in my ap art, and at that point in the story i think ive put it in the second act, so its at the point where they've noticed each other but are afraid that they're not worth enough for the other so there's gonna be a barrier between mika and the idealized version of his dream with shu in that one mural I'm making in the background, and in the mural the rose circles the two of them when they are locked in embrace, while in real life mika is sitting on the piano stool while the thorns of the dead roses cling on and dig into the skin of his legs (shu piece soon)

Shu piece: Hansel and Gretel, obviously. Another alternative might be le petit prince, but it might be for the 3rd act. Gonna basically copy off of dramatica act 4 but! Since Hansel is supposed to basically be a symbol of temptation for Dicey, and the whole theme of the 2nd act here is how the storyteller and the character can't exist on the same plane (though they might not want to in the current point, might have to develop it? Mika does but shu doesn't realize he does too until !! era, which is bascically the 3rd act but he still have. some Sort of Feeling, at least). but anyways, not on the same plane (of existence), wanting to be, but! To do that shu has to give up his "real life ness" and become a character like mika which could be like the witch having to give up their humanness and being like. a cannibal i guess.

so you see, i had a really good idea about beauty and the beast and also its relation to valkyrie but i!! Oh wait!! So, the acanthe is as much pinoccio and galatea as it is like sleeping beauty so i could use like watercolor and color pencil to draw that with like mike on a bed of grass/flowers and shu leaning over him with the water reflected like that one drawing.

had to google what "time" was in french... im a fucking embarrasment to valkps everywhere...... just kill me already.........

me if i was written by vivziepop: I'm FUCKING cooked

je suis FUCKING cooked